ray of light

36 responses to “ray of light”
excellent, Lor.
Uhmm, errr, uhmmm,,,
@otto: thanks so much:)
@lebogang: not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but i’ll take it as a good thing ;)
I have no idea how you achieved this DOF, and I don’t want to know – The effect and the result are great.
That tree looks like king of the world – The only one with “golden” crown, and surround by “blurry”/unimportant trees :) -
Nice one, I like it. A real good way of isolating one subject.
@Lorissa it is a very, very, very, good thing. Its rare to find a photograph that leaves me speechless.
This one evokes an emotion — words, I am still waiting for them to follow. ;-)
Wow there! Now this is cool. How did you achieve the effect? Is it a lensbaby or some post processing? Anyway, regardless, I like it!
This is sooo nice! Using a Lensbaby? The tree really pops out!
*(enuf said)
kick ass! you nailed this one.
This is absolutely stunning!
Very impressive. :) -
Great shot Lor. I too am wondering how you achieved that DOF.
Is this real or fake TS? Great pic BTW!
Hi all! Thank you for all the very kind comments (and apologies for the delay in responding).
This image was definitely post-processed btw – forcing a sort of tilt-shift effect, although not quite.
I’m late to the party, but WOW, that is really super. It’s not just the DOF that makes it, but the lighting on the lawn and color tones! One of my favorite blog posts for a LONG time!!
simply amazing image with such a great bokeh there
Beautiful photograph! I would like to create my own website with my photographs, but am still learning about my computer. I left my e-mail and would love some ideas.
Please do a series of same tree in different weather…
Very nice picture. I love it!
Well done! The processing lends itself well to the mystery created by the mixed lighting.
This is awesome! Is this at Christ Church in Oxford? If so, I took a picture of the exact same tree like a week ago, love it!
My first thoughts were fake TS if the word fake isn’t demeaning. It’s an excellent image and images like this give me the inspiration to have another go at TS processing.
Great site too – images that just make you grin…but you just can’t explain why. -
This is sweet – a slice of England. A can smell the warm beer.
Nice selective blurring. I wish I had a tilt-shift lens to try this for reals.
I second lebogang, and it is a good thing :)
speachless -
Fantastic. I love the tilt-shift effect…great subject and perfectly executed.
nicely done. i’m a sucker for things in the foreground though.
Amazing! Must. Teach. Me.
Really like the TS type effect. I wonder if this would be even stronger with a square crop?
Amasing photo!
great blog!
Again, very nice light and one of the first uses of tilt-shift photography that doesn’t look gimmicky. You get HIGH points for that alone.
Brav-o girlie!!
Absolutely stopped me in my tracks! Bravo!
This photograph is amazing, and you should feel very happy to have captured this moment in time for eternity. in some future dystopia a youth will be combing through the endless terrabytes of useless crap that this generation has produced on the web and find on some remote server in some distant folder or hard drive or photocynclastic memory chip this little gem and will know at least a thousand words that pictures are supposed to have (if they even use words) of our time and our world.
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